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Brainstorming space for IT service pioneer


South Africa




Full-cycle development

Cooperation time

1 year

Team size

3 people


.NET Core, MariaDB, React, Azure, K8s, Docker, Helm Charts, Azure Cognitive Services


Our client is a South African-based IT company that provides the complete cycle of IT assistance. They have been operating for more than 20 years and offer a wide range of services that include cloud operations and security management. As a Microsoft-certified partner, they’ve successfully helped companies in finance, real estate, and marketing domains reach their digital transformation objectives. Moreover, our customer’s company has been internationally recognized as one of the Top 501 Managed Service Providers since 2009. They have a proven track record of stabilizing, innovating, and optimizing the design and implementation of a wide variety of IT environments.



As our client’s business continued to grow, their team decided not only to continue delivering top-notch IT services but also to create a solution of their own. As pioneers in engineering, they have understood that remote teams often lack a handy instrument to help them to discover and discuss ideas. As our client’s business grew, their team decided to create a platform allowing remote units to reach their goals through a real-time brainstorming portal. They had a clear idea of what they wanted to do and began to build their business concept. But they needed a trustworthy partner who would assemble a technical proposal and deliver a ready-to-use solution. We genuinely believed in the business concept of this product and were committed to becoming their credible technical match.

brainstorming space for it service pioneer


We started with a deep analysis of required outputs and provided diagrams of possible architectures. Our customer team was impressed by the Reenbit team’s proficiency, so we were invited to continue to the development stage.

Ultimately, we engineered an application from scratch. Its main idea lies in providing companies with a secure place for problem-solving. We decided to create separate slots for each individual goal to be reached, which contained challenges users had to pass. The challenges varied, including such tasks as unraveling missions or answering thought-provoking questions. The challenge flow included three stages: ideation, voting, and results. At the ideation stage, a task was set, and users could provide their ideas. At the voting stage, users voted for particular options they liked, and at the results stage, users could see the final outcome. We managed all the front-end and back-end development as well as integrations with Azure directories and Kubernetes. We also added an administrator role to the process, who facilitated the process by setting a timer and supervising the flow of ideas from users. All users could vote for each other’s ideas in real-time and in the case of a specific setting — e.g., for a particular quantity of variants. Additionally, all opinions included a comments feature. This application allowed team members to connect quickly and solve issues in a straightforward and time-conscious manner.

Also, with Azure cognitive services, we implemented machine learning to help avoid any duplication or similarities among submitted ideas. Furthermore, we engineered an opportunity for each company that purchased the solution to have a different subdomain with all data backup options.



In the end, we delivered a ready-to-sell product that was well-tested and easy to use. Our customer was satisfied to have achieved their delivery goals on time.

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